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he: A Novel
he: A Novel
he: A Novel
he: A Novel

"he" is a man who knew both adoration and humiliation; who loved, and was loved in turn; who betrayed, and was betrayed; who never sought to cause pain to others, yet left a trail of affairs and broken marriages in his wake . . .
And whose life was ultimately defined by one relationship of such tenderness and devotion that only death could sever it: his partnership with the man he knew as Babe.
he is Stan Laurel.
But he did not really exist. Stan Laurel was a fiction.
he recreates the golden age of Hollywood, with an intensely compassionate study of the tension between commercial demands and artistic integrity, the human frailties behind even the greatest of artists, and one of the most enduring and beloved partnerships in cinema history: Laurel & Hardy.


he: A Novel

he: A Novel

Connolly imagines the life of the beloved but enigmatic comedian Stan Laurel.

No Alibis
Kenny' he: A Novel
Indiebound he: A Novel
Amazon he: A Novel
Gutter Bookshop The Gates  (Samuel Johnson vs The Darkness, Book I)
Alan Hannahs he: A Novel
Goldsboro Books
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